My Vision and IDEAS

My Life with little history

I had ideas to be an entrepreneur one day, but being daughter of my father everything changed by long term agreement called “Marriage”. As usual life chose the path in which I traveled with my family. Now I had a chance of being the one among others.

The interesting part of life is “Lessons you Learnt“ over the year. I’m going to transform lessons to idea. - Founder

I'm mother of two sons and wife of trusted husband. I'm already inspired and confidence to grow up myself and provide a great value to the community.

My Vision of Dots AI Develop

My Company goal is to achieve a effective Secure and Simple apps which earns user trust and confidence.

The real reason behind to start a company

Application or Product sold to consumer for free will breach the trust of the consumer. This is really bigger issue for consumer trust of there data.

The diagram is practical representation of free product and its consumption which are happening with customer consent

I have read a quote in Forbes which opened my thoughts and set my vision,

"If You’re Not Paying For a product, Then You Are The Product" - Forbes

Free Product Consumption behavior

Why, We need our own App

I want to build App which is secure and safe for consumer. The product should give consumer the following options,

      1. Provide the Clarity and Confidence to user

      2. Inspire and Motivate the user to download

      3. Performance and Quality